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Hwang Hee Chan
Coins 4,470,000
Hwang Hee Chan
National Valour Live Player
Heel to Heel Flick Heel to Heel Flick
Walking Backflip Walking Backflip
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Coin 4,470,000
+0.22% (4,460,000)
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at 03:25:08 AM
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Coin 4,240,000 - 4,690,000
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Coin 4,430,000
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Coin 4,680,000
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Hwang Hee Chan
Alternate Positions ST, LW
TEAM Wolverhampton Wanderers
LEAGUE Premier League
NATION/REGION Korea Republic
SKILL MOVES (4) ★★★★
HEIGHT 5'10" (177 cm)
WEIGHT 77 kg
Work Rate (ATT) / Work Rate (DEF) High/Medium
Added on January 17, 2024
Pace 96
Acceleration  101
Sprint Speed  92
Shooting 83
Finishing  86
Long Shot  83
Shot Power  84
Positioning  84
Volley  81
Penalties  74
Passing 83
Short Passing  83
Long Passing  81
Vision  92
Crossing  84
Curve  71
Free Kick  58
Dribbling 92
Dribbling  95
Balance  77
Agility  101
Reactions  88
Ball Control  89
Defending 43
Marking  45
Standing Tackle  42
Sliding Tackle  27
Awareness  43
Heading  63
Physical 76
Strength  76
Aggression  74
Jumping  79
Stamina  76

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