Ederson Player Review 


1. Diving

Performance: Ederson showcases exceptional diving skills, allowing him to make critical saves.

Versatility: Effective in various save situations, whether low or high shots.

2. Reflexes and Reactions

Quick Reflexes: Reacts swiftly to shots, enhancing his ability to stop close-range efforts.

Fast Recovery: Can quickly get back on his feet after a dive, maintaining his defensive position.

3. Positioning

Accuracy: Consistently positions himself well to intercept and block shots.

Anticipation: Predicts the opponent’s movements effectively, reducing goal-scoring opportunities.

4. Handling

Grip: Securely catches and holds onto the ball, minimizing rebound chances.

Stability: Maintains control even during high-pressure situations.

5. Kicking

Precision: Very accurate with both short and long passes.

Long Passer Trait: Enhances his ability to distribute long passes effectively, aiding in counter-attacks.

6. Physicality

Strength: Physically strong, allowing him to compete against tough opponents during corners and aerial duels.

Dominance: Effectively catches or punches out crosses, reducing threats from set-pieces.


1. Height

Stature: At 6'2", Ederson’s height is decent but not outstanding for a goalkeeper.

Comparative Disadvantage: There are taller goalkeepers available who might have an advantage in aerial battles.

2. Tight Angle Shots

Vulnerability: Slightly shorter stature can make it challenging to save tight-angle shots.

Coverage: Needs to improve in covering the near post more effectively.


Ederson is an outstanding goalkeeper with exceptional diving skills, reflexes, and handling. His ability to distribute the ball with precision makes him a valuable asset for any team. However, his height, while decent, can be a drawback against tall opponents and tight-angle shots.

Rating: 9/10